Work Week Timetable App For Mac


Work week timetable app for mac download

What's new in this version

Work Week Timetable App For Mac

Week by week. A week is the perfect unit of time to gain perspective on what you do and see the progress you make.

Work Week Timetable App For Mac 2017

The last update: -> V1.8.1.2 - Correction of errors related to downloading the backup copy of the schedule from OneDrive v. - Corrections of errors related to creating templates - Correction of errors related to “time templates” v. - Optimization of the work of the background refresh on devices with 512Mb memory - Optimization of displaying the schedule on the lock screen on devices with 512Mb memory v. - The possibility to display transparent live icons with the schedule on devices with WP8.1 v. - 720P resolution support - 1080P resolution support v. - Correction of interface errors v. - Correction of the error related to the disabling of the background agent v. - Correction of the localization and globalization settings v. - Optimization of the operation speed of the program v. - Correction of errors related to data input - Simplification of data input v. - The possibility to create and edit the time of the classes by means of the “time templates”, for example, depending on an academic building v1.4.0.0 -The possibility to create templates for quick filling of classes v. - Correction of localization errors v. - Updating of the reminder interface - Correction of errors related to the doubling of the presets v1.3.0.0 - English language support

Work Week Timetable App For Macbook

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